Saturday, August 31, 2019

Religious responses to the verification principle have been largely unsuccessful Essay

‘Religious responses to the verification principle have been largely unsuccessful.’ Evaluate this claim. (20 marks) The Verification Principle claims that it is meaningless to talk about God and ethics etc, as these cannot be verified using empirical evidence or scientific experiments. There have however been many responses to this theory, for example the falsification principle. This is a theory developed by Anthony Flew who says that for a statement to have meaning it must be able to be proven false. So that not religious meaning. This theory is similar to the verification principle but just to prove something wrong instead, however it’s a stronger argument, as it does not go beyond our understanding of God and religion. In response to the falsification principle, R.M Hare criticised it with his theory of the ‘blik’, which is an individual’s own personal opinion and meaningful statements. He says that you cannot falsify the blik because it holds meaning to the individual. Christians will think in their minds that God is good; this is their own thought so we cannot prove their ‘blik’ wrong. However, Flew replies to this criticism saying that this is not relevant and cannot be applied to religious language as it has not happened in real life, just in someone’s mind. Another response to the verification principle is the Via Negativa; this is a theory that suggests that to fully understand what God is we need to say what he isn’t. In addition, Moses Maimonides said that positive statement such as ‘God is powerful enough to lift a rock’, limits God because we are comparing Him to a human and assuming we know what He can do. This is a cogent argument because we cannot understand properly a God we have never seen before, we can only imagine our own personal God and when we die we will then be enlightened with the real God, if there is one at all. However, St Thomas Aquinas rejected the Via Negativa as he believed that there are positive things to say about God. He argued that the only we way we can legitimately speak about God is using analogy. This involves making a comparison between two things, one is familiar and helps us understand another thing and both have similar meanings. He gave examples such as, the analogy of proportion and attribution. However some philosophers criticised this, such as Richard Swinburne who suggested that sometimes words could be used univocally about god. However if you say God is good, this could mean the same way humans are good. Therefore Aquinas is using the word good univocally Aquinas’ theory of analogy is a strong argument as it doesn’t limit God or use ambiguous language. Another response to this that involves the meaning of religious language is symbol. There are many symbols that have meaning to religious people and non -religious people. For example the star of St David for Jews and symbols such as the first aid cross which obviously does have a meaning. However, some symbols change over time for example, the Hindu symbol of peace was adapted by Adolf Hitler to produce the infamous Swastika that reminds people of sadness and death. So it raises the question whether symbols are reliable or not to show meaning. To conclude, I think there are a few reasonable responses to the verification principle such as the falsification principle, as this does not limit God to our understanding but we can still talk about Him. Also the doctrine of analogy is a strong theory as we can compare one thing to another thing we are familiar with without properly describing the unfamiliar thing and this makes it easier for us to understand. However, symbols can often be misinterpreted and lead to confusion, as they don’t say enough about God and religion for people to fully understand.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Of Mice and men, Analysing weak characters Essay

The novel is called ‘Of mice & men’ because things can go wrong between a small mouse to an important human being. Thing can go wrong despite how hard you try. There are two characters in this novel that I think are portrayed as being weak. One of the characters that I feel comes across as weak in the novel is Crooks. The reason being is because of how he is treated by the other characters in this novel. For example, most of the characters except for Slim refer to Crooks as a ‘Nigger’. Even though ‘Nigger’ is a racist term, it was used normally in those days. But this shows the little respect the rest of the characters had for Crooks; they could have decided to refer to him using his real name, just like Slim. The fact that they continuously call him that shows the weakness in Crook, if he had the amount of free will and power the rest had, he would have spoke up and tell them to stop calling him a ‘Nigger’. Steinbeck may have set it out like this to show that not everyone was racist and disrespectful to whom the majority of the people thought was inferior. Slim could have been a character just like Steinbeck, he’s showing that he is not racist and is empathetic to Crook’s feelings, and is aware that despite his skin colour, he is just as superior. However, noticing this, Slim could be portrayed as weak because he didn’t speak up to defend Crooks when it came to the name calling, if he did, he probably would have been casted as a ‘Sell out’ by the other characters. There is another incident in the novel that shows how inferior and weak Crooks is portrayed. After Curley’s wife enters the room to talk to him, Lennie and Candy, Crook’s ends up getting frustrated with Curley’s wife and starts telling her off. However, by now the readers would have thought that Crook’s is finally standing up for himself and defending himself, but this all changes in the space of a few minutes. For example, Curley’s wife retaliates and say’s ‘Listen, Nigger, you know what I can do to you if you open your trap?’ ‘Well, keep your place Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easily it ain’t even funny’. ‘Strung up on a tree’ meant to be lynched; this shows that she had the power to get Crooks lynched, even for the pettiest things. So even though Crooks was speaking the truth, him speaking up could get him into trouble, he can’t win, him staying quiet and saying the things the other characters wants to hear makes him look weak, but even when he does speak up against problems, he is still portrayed as weak. After Curley’s wife mentions this, the narration says ‘Crooks seemed to grow smaller’ the use of the letters ‘Er’ shows that he was already ‘small’ but by Curley’s wife mentioning Lynching, it made him ‘smaller’, weaker than he already is. One more factor that shows Crooks is weak, is by the structure of the chapter, the chapter starts and ends the same. On page 99, it say’s ‘Crooks sat on his bunk [†¦] he held a bottle of liniment and with the other hand, rubbed his spine’. The chapter also ends the same way. This shows that the way Crooks is living is never ending, it’s a cyclical feature, and there is no hope for him. Also, because Steinbeck kept on referring to his spine, shows that even though Crooks does have hopes and dreams, him being black and being injured is what’s stopping him from living the ‘American dream’. The injury to Crooks back occurred after being kicked in the spine by a horse. The reason for this is because of where Crooks Is forced to sleep. Crooks sleeps in a barn. This is usually a place where horses rest. On page 98, it lets the readers know the Crooks bun was made form a long box filled with straw. ‘Crooks’ bunk was a long box filled with straw’. This portrays him to be some sort of animal. He is portrayed as a horse. Again even though horses are strong physically, they are weak in the sense that they have no power, they are usually tied up. This is a good example of Crooks. Again, he may be the most intelligent out of the characters and in some ways, mentally strong. But he is still weak in other ways. Another character that Steinbeck portrays as being weak is Curley’s wife. The apostrophe in ‘Curley’s’ is possessive, this shows that Curley’s wife belongs to Curley and that he is her owner. She is referred to as ‘Curley’s wife’ throughout the novel and is not named. It also shows how unimportant she is and how little the characters think of her. Another way she is portrayed as weak is by her attitude towards the men in the novel. Curley doesn’t pay her much attention, so she feels insecure and lonely. This makes her want the attention of the other men and makes her feel superior and important, even though she isn’t. The characters talk about her in a negative way behind her back. For example, after Curley’s wife is introduced George say’s ‘Jesus, what a tramp’. The use of the word ‘Jesus’ makes Georges reaction the Curley’s wife seem dramatic, this shows that Curleyâ⠂¬â„¢s wife is a huge problem if she causes such dramatic responses. Also he refers to her as a tramp. ‘Tramp’ can mean many things, but one definition of a tramp for a female is a prostitute or a person regarded as promiscuous. This is Georges first impressions Of Curley’s Wife, and this is how she comes across whilst trying to flirt. This shows how weak she is to George especially. She may be trying to flirt and act sexy in order for the men to lust after her but her trying has no effect on George, he thinks of her as the opposite. George also calls her a ‘bitch’ and a ‘Rat trap’ whilst talking to Lennie. A ‘bitch’ is the name given for a female dog, this links to the apostrophe in ‘Curley’s wife’ Dogs are popular pets and have owners. She is like Curley’s pet. Curley’s wife thinks of Crooks, Lennie and Candy as the ‘Weak ones’ by her saying this, it makes her look weak as well, she feels she has to refer to them as something deemed inferior in order to make her feel superior. However, even though she refers to them as this, she still hangs around them, this show’s that she hasn’t got much choice and that that is the only form of company she has and appreciates, despite coming across as nasty. This shows her weak side. In section 5, Curley’s wife goes in the barn to comfort Lennie and flirt with him, this could have led into something more. If she didn’t end up dying she probably would have ended up sleeping with Lennie. This again, shows her weakness; she is not strong enough to just leave Curley if she is not happy, she married Curley for the wrong reasons, leading to her being unhappy. Instead she goes behind his back looking for ‘Love’, ‘comfort’ and a sense of ‘importance’. This leads to her being accidently killed by Lennie. Before this happens whilst she confides in Lennie she admits, ‘He says he was gonna put me in the movies’ referring to one of the actors she met. This didn’t end up happening so she ended up marrying Curley. She then goes on and says ‘So I married Curley. [†¦] I don’t like Curley, he ain’t a nice fella’. This shows that she had no choice but to marry him and that she is finding it hard to escape from him. The death of Curley’s wife is like Karma. She threatened to get Crooks lynched if he carried on disrespecting her but then ended up dying as a result of her neck of being broken, this is what lynching is. Also, she married Curley for the wrong reasons and used him and she was also the women who stopped the characters from living their dreams, this may have been out of spite from her not getting to live hers. However, again, she ended up dying, and the characters still didn’t get to live their dream. This is how Karma works, ‘what goes around comes around’. This could be linked to the ‘Cyclical feature’ in the novel, the problems are never ending and there is just no hope. To conclude, both Crooks and Curley’s wife are very much alike and they’re just as weak as each other. Both characters are referred to as harsh names other than their real names. They both had dreams of being successful but it never happened. Crooks is a black man, and Curley’s wife is a white women. So even though Crooks had dreams and was capable of getting far the only problem that would have been stopping him is the fact that he is black and racism was in full effect in those days. Also, he was the smartest among the other characters, this links back to the title ‘Of mice and men’ that things can go wrong despite how hard you try. So despite his intelligence and how hard he learns, he still can’t get to where he wants to go in life. Nevertheless, even though Curley’s wife is white, she is a woman. Women didn’t have that much say or rights when men were involved. So her dreams and goals were not reached. For example she say’s ‘I never got that letter, I always thought my ol’ lady stole it’ She is adamant that her mum stole the letter an actor ‘wrote’ to her, so that’s why she never became an actress. Except, going back to how powerful men were in those days, White American men especially, he may have not even written a letter, probably forgetting about her and just complimenting her because it was the heat of the moment type. This shows that Curley’s wife is not mentally strong enough to come to terms and face reality of what actually might have happened, again that’s her way of feeling important, because deep down she is a weak individual.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The Human Genome Project

The Human Genome Project (HGP) is a project undertaken with a goal to understand the genetic make-up of the human species by determining the DNA sequence of the human genome and the genome of a few model organisms. The project began in 1990 and, by some definitions, it was completed in 2003. It was one of the biggest investigational projects in the history of science. The mapping of the human genes was an important step in the development of medicines and other aspects of health care.Most of the genome DNA sequencing for the Human Genome Project was done by researchers at universities and research centers in the the United States and Great Britain, with other genome DNA sequencing done independently by the private company Celera Genomics. The HGP was originally aimed at the more than three billion nucleotides contained in a haploid reference human genome. Recently several groups have announced efforts to extend this to diploid human genomes including the International HapMap Project, Applied Biosystems, Perlegen, Illumina, JCVI, Personal Genome Project, and Roche-454.The â€Å"genome† of any given individual (except for identical twins and cloned animals) is unique; mapping â€Å"the human genome† involves sequencing multiple variations of each gene. The project did not study all of the DNA found in human cells; some heterochromatic areas (about 8% of the total) remain un-sequenced. International HGP Initiation of the Project was the culmination of several years of work supported by the Department of Energy, in particular workshops in 1984 [1] and 1986 and a subsequent initiative the Department of Energy. 2] This 1986 report stated boldly, â€Å"The ultimate goal of this initiative is to understand the human genome† and â€Å"Knowledge of the human genome is as necessary to the continuing progress of medicine and other health sciences as knowledge of human anatomy has been for the present state of medicine. † Candidate technologies w ere already being considered for the proposed undertaking at least as early as 1985. [3] James D. Watson was Head of the National Center for Human Genome Research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United States starting from 1988.Largely due to his disagreement with his boss, Bernadine Healy, over the issue of patenting genes, he was forced to resign in 1992. He was replaced by Francis Collins in April 1993, and the name of the Center was changed to the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) in 1997. The $3-billion project was formally founded in 1990 by the United States Department of Energy and the U. S. National Institutes of Health, and was expected to take 15 years. In addition to the United States, the international consortium comprised geneticists in China, France, Germany, Japan, and the United Kingdom.Due to widespread international cooperation and advances in the field of genomics (especially in sequence analysis), as well as major advances in com puting technology, a ‘rough draft' of the genome was finished in 2000 (announced jointly by then US president Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair on June 26, 2000). [4] Ongoing sequencing led to the announcement of the essentially complete genome in April 2003, 2 years earlier than planned. [5] In May 2006, another milestone was passed on the way to completion of the project, when the sequence of the last chromosome was published in the journal Nature. 6] There are multiple definitions of the â€Å"complete sequence of the human genome†. According to some of these definitions, the genome has already been completely sequenced, and according to other definitions, the genome has yet to be completely sequenced. There have been multiple popular press articles reporting that the genome was â€Å"complete. † The genome has been completely sequenced using the definition employed by the International Human Genome Project. A graphical history of the human ge nome project shows that most of the human genome was complete by the end of 2003.However, there are a number of regions of the human genome that can be considered unfinished. First, the central regions of each chromosome, known as centromeres, are highly repetitive DNA sequences that are difficult to sequence using current technology. The centromeres are millions (possibly tens of millions) of base pairs long, and for the most part these are entirely un-sequenced. Second, the ends of the chromosomes, called telomeres, are also highly repetitive, and for most of the 46 chromosome ends these too are incomplete.We do not know precisely how much sequence remains before we reach the telomeres of each chromosome, but as with the centromeres, current technology does not make it easy to get there. Third, there are several loci in each individual's genome that contain members of multigene families that are difficult to disentangle with shotgun sequencing methodologies – these multigen e families often encode proteins important for immune functions. It is likely that the centromeres and telomeres will remain un-sequenced until new technology is developed that facilitates their sequencing.Other than these regions, there remain a few dozen gaps scattered around the genome, some of them rather large, but there is hope that all these will be closed in the next couple of years. In summary: our best estimates of total genome size indicate that about 92% of the genome has been completed . Most of the remaining DNA is highly repetitive and unlikely to contain genes, but we cannot truly know until we sequence all of it. Understanding the functions of all the genes and their regulation is far from complete.The roles of junk DNA, the evolution of the genome, the differences between individuals, and many other questions are still the subject of intense study by laboratories all over the world. Goals The goals of the original HGP were not only to determine more than 3 billion base pairs in the human genome with a minimal error rate, but also to identify all the genes in this vast amount of data. This part of the project is still ongoing, although a preliminary count indicates about 30,000 genes in the human genome, which is fewer than predicted by many scientists.Another goal of the HGP was to develop faster, more efficient methods for DNA sequencing and sequence analysis and the transfer of these technologies to industry. The sequence of the human DNA is stored in databases available to anyone on the Internet. The U. S. National Center for Biotechnology Information (and sister organizations in Europe and Japan) house the gene sequence in a database known as Genbank, along with sequences of known and hypothetical genes and proteins.Other organizations such as the University of California, Santa Cruz[1], and Ensembl[2] present additional data and annotation and powerful tools for visualizing and searching it. Computer programs have been developed to analy ze the data, because the data themselves are difficult to interpret without such programs. The process of identifying the boundaries between genes and other features in raw DNA sequence is called genome annotation and is the domain of bioinformatics.While expert biologists make the best annotators, their work proceeds slowly, and computer programs are increasingly used to meet the high-throughput demands of genome sequencing projects. The best current technologies for annotation make use of statistical models that take advantage of parallels between DNA sequences and human language, using concepts from computer science such as formal grammars. Another, often overlooked, goal of the HGP is the study of its ethical, legal, and social implications.It is important to research these issues and find the most appropriate solutions before they become large dilemmas whose effect will manifest in the form of major political concerns. All humans have unique gene sequences; therefore the data p ublished by the HGP does not represent the exact sequence of each and every individual's genome. It is the combined genome of a small number of anonymous donors. The HGP genome is a scaffold for future work in identifying differences among individuals. Most of the current effort in identifying differences among individuals involves single nucleotide polymorphisms and the HapMap.How it was accomplished Funding came from the US government through the National Institutes of Health in the United States, and the UK charity, the Wellcome Trust, who funded the Sanger Institute (then the Sanger Centre) in Great Britain, as well as numerous other groups from around the world. The genome was broken into smaller pieces; approximately 150,000 base pairs in length. These pieces are called â€Å"bacterial artificial chromosomes†, or BACs, because they can be inserted into bacteria where they are copied by the bacterial DNA replication machinery.Each of these pieces was then sequenced separ ately as a small â€Å"shotgun† project and then assembled. The larger, 150,000 base pairs go together to create chromosomes. This is known as the â€Å"hierarchical shotgun† approach, because the genome is first broken into relatively large chunks, which are then mapped to chromosomes before being selected for sequencing. Celera Genomics HGP In 1998, a similar, privately funded quest was launched by the American researcher Craig Venter and his firm Celera Genomics.The $300 million Celera effort was intended to proceed at a faster pace and at a fraction of the cost of the roughly $3 billion publicly funded project. Celera used a riskier technique called whole genome shotgun sequencing, which had been used to sequence bacterial genomes of up to six million base pairs in length, but not for anything nearly as large as the three thousand million base pair human genome. Celera initially announced that it would seek patent protection on â€Å"only 200-300† genes, but later amended this to seeking â€Å"intellectual property protection† on â€Å"fully-characterized important structures† amounting to 100-300 targets.The firm eventually filed preliminary (â€Å"place-holder†) patent applications on 6,500 whole or partial genes. Celera also promised to publish their findings in accordance with the terms of the 1996 â€Å"Bermuda Statement,† by releasing new data quarterly (the HGP released its new data daily), although, unlike the publicly funded project, they would not permit free redistribution or commercial use of the data. In March 2000, President Clinton announced that the genome sequence could not be patented, and should be made freely available to all researchers.The statement sent Celera's stock plummeting and dragged down the biotechnology-heavy Nasdaq. The biotechnology sector lost about $50 billion in market capitalization in two days. Although the working draft was announced in June 2000, it was not until Feb ruary 2001 that Celera and the HGP scientists published details of their drafts. Special issues of Nature (which published the publicly funded project's scientific paper)[7] and Science (which published Celera's paper[8]) described the methods used to produce the draft sequence and offered analysis of the sequence.These drafts covered about 83% of the genome (90% of the euchromatic regions with 150,000 gaps and the order and orientation of many segments not yet established). In February 2001, at the time of the joint publications, press releases announced that the project had been completed by both groups. Improved drafts were announced in 2003 and 2005, filling in to ~92% of the sequence currently. The competition proved to be very good for the project, spurring the public groups to modify their strategy in order to accelerate progress. The rivals initially agreed to pool their data, but the agreement ell apart when Celera refused to deposit its data in the unrestricted public data base GenBank. Celera had incorporated the public data into their genome, but forbade the public effort to use Celera data. HGP is the most well known of many international genome projects aimed at sequencing the DNA of a specific organism. While the human DNA sequence offers the most tangible benefits, important developments in biology and medicine are predicted as a result of the sequencing of model organisms, including mice, fruit flies, zebrafish, yeast, nematodes, plants, and many microbial organisms and parasites.In 2004, researchers from the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium (IHGSC) of the HGP announced a new estimate of 20,000 to 25,000 genes in the human genome. [9] Previously 30,000 to 40,000 had been predicted, while estimates at the start of the project reached up to as high as 2,000,000. The number continues to fluctuate and it is now expected that it will take many years to agree on a precise value for the number of genes in the human genome. History In 1 976, the genome of the virus Bacteriophage MS2 was the first complete genome to be determined, by Walter Fiers and his team at the University of Ghent (Ghent, Belgium). 10] The idea for the shotgun technique came from the use of an algorithm that combined sequence information from many small fragments of DNA to reconstruct a genome. This technique was pioneered by Frederick Sanger to sequence the genome of the Phage ? -X174, a tiny virus called a bacteriophage that was the first fully sequenced genome (DNA-sequence) in 1977. [11] The technique was called shotgun sequencing because the genome was broken into millions of pieces as if it had been blasted with a shotgun.In order to scale up the method, both the sequencing and genome assembly had to be automated, as they were in the 1980s. Those techniques were shown applicable to sequencing of the first free-living bacterial genome (1. 8 million base pairs) of Haemophilus influenzae in 1995 [12] and the first animal genome (~100 Mbp) [1 3] It involved the use of automated sequencers, longer individual sequences using approximately 500 base pairs at that time. Paired sequences separated by a fixed distance of around 2000 base pairs which were critical elements enabling the development f the first genome assembly programs for reconstruction of large regions of genomes (aka ‘contigs'). Three years later, in 1998, the announcement by the newly-formed Celera Genomics that it would scale up the shotgun sequencing method to the human genome was greeted with skepticism in some circles. The shotgun technique breaks the DNA into fragments of various sizes, ranging from 2,000 to 300,000 base pairs in length, forming what is called a DNA â€Å"library†. Using an automated DNA sequencer the DNA is read in 800bp lengths from both ends of each fragment.Using a complex genome assembly algorithm and a supercomputer, the pieces are combined and the genome can be reconstructed from the millions of short, 800 base pair fr agments. The success of both the public and privately funded effort hinged upon a new, more highly automated capillary DNA sequencing machine, called the Applied Biosystems 3700, that ran the DNA sequences through an extremely fine capillary tube rather than a flat gel. Even more critical was the development of a new, larger-scale genome assembly program, which could handle the 30-50 million sequences that would be required to sequence the entire human genome with this method.At the time, such a program did not exist. One of the first major projects at Celera Genomics was the development of this assembler, which was written in parallel with the construction of a large, highly automated genome sequencing factory. The first version of this assembler was demonstrated in 2000, when the Celera team joined forces with Professor Gerald Rubin to sequence the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster using the whole-genome shotgun method[14]. At 130 million base pairs, it was at least 10 times large r than any genome previously shotgun assembled.One year later, the Celera team published their assembly of the three billion base pair human genome. How it was accomplished The IHGSC used pair-end sequencing plus whole-genome shotgun mapping of large (~100 Kbp) plasmid clones and shotgun sequencing of smaller plasmid sub-clones plus a variety of other mapping data to orient and check the assembly of each human chromosome[7]. The Celera group tried â€Å"whole-genome shotgun† sequencing without using the additional mapping scaffolding[8], but by including shredded public data raised questions [15].Whose genome was sequenced? In the IHGSC international public-sector Human Genome Project (HGP), researchers collected blood (female) or sperm (male) samples from a large number of donors. Only a few of many collected samples were processed as DNA resources. Thus the donor identities were protected so neither donors nor scientists could know whose DNA was sequenced. DNA clones from m any different libraries were used in the overall project, with most of those libraries being created by Dr.Pieter J. de Jong. It has been informally reported, and is well known in the genomics community, that much of the DNA for the public HGP came from a single anonymous male donor from Buffalo, New York (code name RP11). [16] HGP scientists used white blood cells from the blood of 2 male and 2 female donors (randomly selected from 20 of each) — each donor yielding a separate DNA library. One of these libraries (RP11) was used considerably more than others, due to quality considerations.One minor technical issue is that male samples contain only half as much DNA from the X and Y chromosomes as from the other 22 chromosomes (the autosomes); this happens because each male cell contains only one X and one Y chromosome, not two like other chromosomes (autosomes). (This is true for nearly all male cells not just sperm cells). Although the main sequencing phase of the HGP has been completed, studies of DNA variation continue in the International HapMap Project, whose goal is to identify patterns of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) groups (called haplotypes, or â€Å"haps†).The DNA samples for the HapMap came from a total of 270 individuals: Yoruba people in Ibadan, Nigeria; Japanese people in Tokyo; Han Chinese in Beijing; and the French Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisms Humain (CEPH) resource, which consisted of residents of the United States having ancestry from Western and Northern Europe. In the Celera Genomics private-sector project, DNA from five different individuals were used for sequencing. The lead scientist of Celera Genomics at that time, Craig Venter, later acknowledged (in a public letter to the journal Science) that his DNA was one of those in the pool[17].On September 4th, 2007, a team led by Craig Venter, published his complete DNA sequence[18], unveiling the six-billion-letter genome of a single individual for the first time . Benefits The work on interpretation of genome data is still in its initial stages. It is anticipated that detailed knowledge of the human genome will provide new avenues for advances in medicine and biotechnology. Clear practical results of the project emerged even before the work was finished.For example, a number of companies, such as Myriad Genetics started offering easy ways to administer genetic tests that can show predisposition to a variety of illnesses, including breast cancer, disorders of hemostasis, cystic fibrosis, liver diseases and many others. Also, the etiologies for cancers, Alzheimer's disease and other areas of clinical interest are considered likely to benefit from genome information and possibly may lead in the long term to significant advances in their management. There are also many tangible benefits for biological scientists.For example, a researcher investigating a certain form of cancer may have narrowed down his/her search to a particular gene. By visiti ng the human genome database on the worldwide web, this researcher can examine what other scientists have written about this gene, including (potentially) the three-dimensional structure of its product, its function(s), its evolutionary relationships to other human genes, or to genes in mice or yeast or fruit flies, possible detrimental mutations, interactions with other genes, body tissues in which this gene is activated, diseases associated with this gene or other datatypes.Further, deeper understanding of the disease processes at the level of molecular biology may determine new therapeutic procedures. Given the established importance of DNA in molecular biology and its central role in determining the fundamental operation of cellular processes, it is likely that expanded knowledge in this area will facilitate medical advances in numerous areas of clinical interest that may not have been possible without them. The analysis of similarities between DNA sequences from different organ isms is also opening new avenues in the study of the theory of evolution.In many cases, evolutionary questions can now be framed in terms of molecular biology; indeed, many major evolutionary milestones (the emergence of the ribosome and organelles, the development of embryos with body plans, the vertebrate immune system) can be related to the molecular level. Many questions about the similarities and differences between humans and our closest relatives (the primates, and indeed the other mammals) are expected to be illuminated by the data from this project.The Human Genome Diversity Project, spinoff research aimed at mapping the DNA that varies between human ethnic groups, which was rumored to have been halted, actually did continue and to date has yielded new conclusions. In the future, HGDP could possibly expose new data in disease surveillance, human development and anthropology. HGDP could unlock secrets behind and create new strategies for managing the vulnerability of ethnic groups to certain diseases (see race in biomedicine). It could also show how human populations have adapted to these vulnerabilities. The Human Genome Project When populations start to die there are only so many to choose from for genes. A founder effect will then be created (Welsch 73). The Human Genome Project set out to identify all the genetic material in humans (Welsch 265). Another type of variation is different from genes it is physiological. Our blood type is a protein on our red blood cells and delivers oxygen and immune responses ( Welsch 267). We are only able to give blood to those who have our same blood type unless we have the blood type that is the universal donor. We have a friend who has suffered miscarriages, the most recent was 26 weeks along. Her body keeps rejecting the baby and they are not sure what the cause is. They are sure that it is not the RH factor. The white blood cells also have their own set of proteins, the human leukocyte antigen system (HLA). This system protects our bodies from foreign objects or infectious agents (Welsch 268). Even within our families we are varied because we will not all have the same combination of the system. We all react to infections and diseases differently. My husband is highly allergic to artificial smells. His system seems to be in overdrive. When he was in the military his bunk mate sprayed scented aerosol deodorant and his throat closed up. He then realized he could not handle anything artificial. My friend's cousin had a double lung transplant last year. Several months after her transplant she got an infection and her body rejected her new lungs and she passed away. I think her rejection to the new lungs was because of the differences in the HLA system of her body and the donor's. Our bodies also adapt and look different from others in our skin tone and our body types. These traits are not as significant in our bodily functions but are varied nonetheless. W all can have different hair color, skin color, and shape and sizes. Our skin does not really have color, it has a pigment called melanin ( Welsch 271). Depending on where the person lived they may have more melanin production and have darker skin. Some can also be tall and skin or short and chubby. We measure this through the anthropometry. It helps determine the variations we see. We put these measurements in the cormic index, which is sitting height to standing height ( Welsch 273). The intemembral index is the ratio of arm length to leg length (Welsch 273). Body fat is determined by the BMI or body mass index. A person can be too skinny or too fat and have a BMI that is not healthy. Another variation is race. This our society's system for classifying people based on how they look. These differences are believed to reflect the root of genetic and biological differences. We also adapt to the environments we encounter. We can either allow our environment to change us or we can change the environment. To survive we have to figure out what needs to change and react accordingly. We have to have a certain plasticity. We all change during our lifetime and it comes somewhat from our surroundings. We can perform niche construction and make our environment suitable to our living conditions. On the farm my in laws own they do several things to insure their success. They have to give the cows shots to make sure they are healthy enough for reproduction and the babies will be healthy enough to be sold. They take care of the grass and the other parts of the land to ensure the cows are fed during the spring, summer and fall. They make sure that there is enough hay to feed them during the winter. As parents we have the ability to help our children adapt. To set them up for success in life as humans. We teach our children how to cook, clean, read, and write. The ability to care for themselves spans across generations. They will teach their own children these abilities to adapt and survive in the world around them. We pass this on to them through extra-genetic inheritance. We have a new emergence of new species through speciation. Differences can be so vast that it becomes a totally different species. Such as the dog and the wolf. Both have canine but the wolf is considered a different species. Evolution takes place as we experience different things in our culture. We have to adapt as our culture changes. The constructivist approach shows that our biology is a process of construction (Welsch 239). Our bodies work in combination with our genes to affect how genes can be expressed or epigenetic system of inheritance ( Welsch 240). When our genes are altered we can pass those down to our children affecting how their bodies work and how they behave. The way we raise our children affects how they will behave as adults. If we are nurturing, loving and kind to our children almost all of the time these will be the traits they possess unless they have something else going on biologically. If we behave negative with our children and this is all they see they will in turn possess those traits. This is the behavioral system of inheritance. We also store symbols and communicate them with others around us, showing the world our understanding through them. The symbols we use come from the symbolic system of inheritance. Through manipulating the world around us and changing the world around us it is important to our biocultural evolution. Change is an important part of who we are. Just as when we move into a new home, a new town, new school, and even a new job we change and construct the environment to fit our needs. We do certain things so we can fit in and feel comfortable. It allows us to thrive. We even try to change the land we live on. Another aspect of biocultural evolution is the evolution of our behaviors. Sociobiology explains our behaviors as related to our biological component (Welsch 245). Our behavior can also be influenced by the earth and social things going on around us. This comes from the human behavioral ecology (HBE) (Welsch 246). We adapt our behavior to our society so that we can fit and continue to evolve. Our behaviors are directly connected to our biological self. This comes from biological determinism (Welsch 247). Some of them come forward or (emergence) based on who we see and interact with in our daily lives. We adapt and change through our diet, moving to different places, and sometimes we even change our bodies through modification to make ourselves fit in. Just like runway models who extreme diet and workout to be tiny enough to be considered for the runway. This shapes our cultures around the world and how we all view each other. Everyone in this world is so unique. No two people even family members will be completely identical. Our bodies adapt and varied through the generations to be continued successfully. We all try to fit in with our behaviors so that our true biological self can come forward. We need to be conscious in the things we teach our children because they will be the next generation and bring forth a new culture. Works CitedWelsch, Robert Louis, et al. Anthropology: Asking Questions about Human Origins, Diversity, and Culture. Oxford University Press, 2017.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Pros and Cons of Teacher Websites Research Paper - 1

Pros and Cons of Teacher Websites - Research Paper Example Classroom websites have been recognized for their simple yet valuable contribution to the educational world, but not without a fair share of negative points. Either way, the users of this tool should evaluate whether these flaws outweigh the contribution that it makes to learning. The main function of a classroom website is to serve as an additional and convenient method for the teachers to share information with their students. From this, spring the many advantages of having a classroom website. The fact that it is a technology-based tool, however, has certain disadvantages. One large advantage of this is that teachers can always leave notes as reminders for the student on this website. The notes can be pertaining to any important matter discussed in class, which the teacher does not want the students to forget. This especially includes things like homework, announcements, and class rules. A student who cannot recall the homework assigned for a subject can simply log on to the website to see the reminder that the teacher left for the students. This however, requires the teacher to update the website after every single lesson (Greenspan, 2002). This can be a time-consuming activity, especially for teachers who have multiple classes to manage. Apart from this, the teacher may also use this website to make announcements and share news. This includes announcements such as informing the class of an upcoming fieldtrip or the cancellation of a class. The need for such announcements usually arises after class stands dismisses. Thus, if the teacher posts such announcements online, this saves the teacher the trouble of having to inform the students through other, lengthier means, and it also ensures that the news is displayed.

Research Paper on Artist Ai WeiWei Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

On Artist Ai WeiWei - Research Paper Example The website, took on the form of Wikipedia introduces individual under different categories. Ai WeiWei’s page also has sections each discloses different information about him; however, all descriptions are negative, violent and written with diminutive words. Moreover, at the bottom of the page, instead of a list of references is a long list of links to more unfavorable articles written about him. In contradiction to the assaulting websites, Ai’s Twitter has numerous Chinese followers voicing out their supports to the controversial artist. Although his domestic supporters appear to be in big number as the amount of donation to his tax bill rises high within a short period of time; his Chinese followers are as a matter of fact scarce when compared to the entire Chinese population. Unquestionably, it is inevitable for every public figure to attract people who oppose him or her; however, Ai’s publicity is drastically a polarized one. . Ai WeiWei, the Chinese celebrit y artist is possibly the most well known living Chinese artist on an international scale, while his fame is positive to most westerners and some Chinese audiences, his role as a dissident displeases his government and a great populace that still live up to the ideology of the Communist Party of China; the traces that lead to the contradiction of the differences in opinion between his Chinese onlookers can be found through the examination of the making, product and aftermath of the artwork Fairytale. Ever since I can remember, I saw my father living without freedom. Realizing that after I had grown up, I am still living a life without freedom is terrifying. The artist Ai WeiWei’s life story is one that has been repeated and well exposed to his international audiences. In Ai’s case, his background is destined to be the center of attention to his Chinese viewers. Moreover, his background is the precept to acknowledging the propaganda behind his artworks. It is also imposs ible to omit the introduction of his father, as his biography is one that bears the process of what became today’s China. Ai Qing, a representational figure of the Chinese Red Poet was born to a wealthy landlord in the Zhe-Jiang province during Nationalist China. Due to his resourceful background and flexible politic, he was able to study art and later went to France. As the Communist party came into power, Ai was at first praised but soon misread as a pro-rightist figure and forced to be send to labor camp in Xin-Jiang, a remote province that borders Russia, Mongolia and many other countries in the dry and desolate region. Ai’s unfortunate encounter with Communist China was not a unique one. As soon as Mao came to power, the Chinese people were under strong censorship [†¦] Ai WeiWei was raised under harsh conditions until he was nineteen when the family was finally granted the permission to move back to Beijing. Ai WeiWei’s acrid upbringing did not extingu ish his passion for art. After his return to Beijing he was enrolled in the Beijing Film Academy and later traveled to the U.S. where he once attended The Parsons School of Design. Living in New York with an energetic life style, the artist was nourished with the freedom of the country and actively participated and witnessed major art movements and protest events. â€Å"Thank the Motherland, Thank the Party † is the phrase a Chinese person must say upon his or her receiving of an honor. If an

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Afghan employment by foreign contractors Dissertation

Afghan employment by foreign contractors - Dissertation Example Afghanistan is a landlocked Islamic country which has been at the crossroads of many cultures and civilizations.   In ancient times, Afghanistan had been invaded and subdued by Persians, Greeks, Macedonians and Aryans (Scarborough, 1998).   Especially during the 1st and 2nd centuries, Afghanistan became a central and strategic trading site of the famed Silk Road that linked Rome and China and which brought not only commodities such as silk, porcelain etc to Afghanistan but also arts, religions (Buddhism, Nestorian Christianity and Islam) and most especially, the †equally important currency ideas† (Clammer, 2007,p.652).   In more modern times, Afghanistan had been the bone of contention between Britain and Russia in what is called â€Å"The Great Game† (Garthoff 1997,p.977) and between Russia and the USA in what is called â€Å"The Cold War† (Walker 1995,p.356).   Despite the land’s difficult terrain with its high mountains and plateaus, steep ridges, deep valleys and its remote position, Afghanistan is the ideal buffer zone and the arena for balance of power (Ewans, 2002).   According to Grau (1998)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Afghanistan was, to the Russians, an outlet to the Indian Ocean and an extension of  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Russian expansionism for the British it was an important shield to protect India, Pakistan and other British territories from Russian hegemony. But the Russians prevailed in the struggle for control of Afghanistan when Britain granted independence to India and Pakistan, thus leaving a power vacuum.   The latter signaled the entry of USA as rebel group.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Cross-Cultural Management of Australia and China Essay

Cross-Cultural Management of Australia and China - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the Australian company should familiarise itself with these cultural values in order to foster success in China as a new target market. An Australian automobile firm -Holden invest- is considering China as a new market for its products. In order to increase its chances of success, it is imperative to do a cross-cultural analysis of these two countries. This will enable managers and stakeholders from Holden to first understand themselves and their own cultural perspectives. Thereafter, they may also understand the values of the Chinese partners that they plan to do business with. China is now Australia’s largest trading partner; this indicates that the automobile firm under consideration could draw a lot of lessons from other Australian’s experiences in China. Primary languages spoken in both countries are radically different since most Chinese speakers use Mandarin while Australians speak English. A number of Chinese residents have learned th e English language; however, translation difficulties may arise due to colloquialisms in Australia. In China, Confucianism dominates religious thought and has political connotations. This explains why religious tolerance may not be firmly adhered to. On the other hand, Australians are predominantly Christian but resolutely believe in the separation of religion from politics. Many individuals consider Chinese people as rule-followers who fear breakage of rules. This stems from their fear of authority as well as the severe repercussions they might face if they do not abide by them. Conversely, Australians are rule makers and usually speak openly about their discontentment about certain issues.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Differences and Similitarities between Mozart and Beethovens early and Essay

Differences and Similitarities between Mozart and Beethovens early and late Symphonies - Essay Example Additionally, personal differences, in terms of lifestyles also contributed to the differences in their symphonies. Thus, the following are the differences and Similarities between Mozart and Beethovens early and late Symphonies: Similarities between Mozart and Beethovens early Symphonies Mozart and Beethovens early Symphonies were similar in various ways. First, their early symphonies are characterized by the application of Sonata form, which was the main musical structure that characterized the classical music era (Keefe, 66). The two composers applied Sonata form in almost every of their works, only that it could be combined with other forms of music structure such as the Rondo and the variation forms. The examples that can depict the use of the sonata form in their early works are the Mozart’s K 296 composition and Beethoven’s Piano quartets, also referred to as the WoO 36 (Will, 55). These are some of the earlier compositions by these two musical composers, which d epict the application of sonata form, almost in a very identical way. The application of sonata form as a musical structure by the two composers in these two earlier works is depicted by the division of the compositions into three sections. Both the K-296 symphony, which was composed in 1781 by Mozart and the WoO36 Piano quartet’s symphony, which was composed by Beethoven before 1792, displays the classification of the composition into the exposition, a development and a recapitulation sections (Will, 44). These symphonies entail the presentation of a transition, from how the tonal material of the compositions are organized in harmony at the exposition section, then developed into elaboration and contrast at the development section, and finally harmonized and resolved to create a harmoniously integrated rhythm at the recapitulation section (Keefe, 68). This musical structure starts with a harmonized and simplified tonal stability at the exposition section, then enters the dev elopment section where more tension is build, and complex tonal textures, far-ranging key changes and highly agitated rhythms are developed, to create the climax of the musical composition at the development section, and finally enters the recapitulation section, where the tension and tonal complexity is reduced, resulting to a cool harmonious finishing rhythm (Will, 41). These are the major characteristics of Mozart’s K 296 composition and Beethoven’s Piano quartets, which are some of their earlier works. Differences between Mozart and Beethovens early Symphonies There are notable differences between Mozart’s and Beethoven’s early symphonies. The difference emanates from the fact that while Mozart was a musical composer of his own making, Beethoven’s musical composition were a hybrid of Mozart’s and other artists’ style. In developing his symphonies, Beethoven was particularly influenced by Mozart on one hand and Joseph Haydn on the other (Keefe, 72). Therefore, he combined their musical composition styles to create a hybrid, which he then gave his own personality. This led to a development of a unique stylistic composition that was different from those of his influencers. Therefore, Mozart’s and Beethoven’s early symphonies were different in that, while Mozart observed musical rules and played within the confines of harmony and smooth transition of keys and rhythm, Beethoven adapted the style of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Supervision Mnagement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Supervision Mnagement - Essay Example The supervisors or the line managers are more important in organization’s today because they are the ones that directly interact with the employees (Thornhill & Saunders, 1998). To what extent leaders and managers in the hospitality units are able to achieve their goals will be critically analysed here. Performance management requires the evaluation of contemporary theories of human psychology and their application to performance of individuals at work place. According to Brownell (2003), communication is the most vital tool for a manager for improving individual and organizational performance. The hospitality industry is service oriented and service is synonymous with effective communication. It thus becomes important for managers to make their messages clear, to maintain and develop positive relationships with both customers and employees. Performance management requires the managers to ensure that employees’ activities and output are congruent with organizational goals. They need to set standards, assess result and plan for improvement (Schermerhorn et al., 2004 cited by Gross, 2007). A good performance management system can help to reduce turnover, increase productivity, improve individual performance, improve morale, reduce conflict and eliminate gaps and overlaps. In evaluating performance and objective evaluation method should be employed which should be able to pinpoint the areas where improvement is needed. An efficient system can also help to identify the superior workers in the organization. Workers’ participation leads to commitment and improved morale. While supervisory leadership is essential, the supervisor must be able to work together as a team. An effective reward system should be linked to how well each worker meets the performance standards. Since the hospitality industry is volatile and the services have to be changed with the customer demands, it lays stress on the employees. Hence an annual performance appraisal is not

Friday, August 23, 2019

Assignment3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Assignment3 - Essay Example Sometimes, the concoction, instead of taking the condemned to a state of unconsciousness, merely paralyses them, with the person dying feeling the excruciating pain of their heart stopping, but unable to speak out because of their paralysis. If this is not torture, what is? We as a nation are firmly against torture, therefore, it is surprising that we are silent about the torture of our own people. The state-sponsored murder, as some people refer to capital punishment, leaves the door open for punishing the mentally disabled for their crimes. The recent case of Theresa Lewis’ execution in Virginia is testament to that. Not only was the woman borderline retarded, with an IQ of about 71, what is more, she was not even the one who carried out the killing. However, as the option of capital punishment was available, she was put to death. This is not in line with the ethics that we hold dear, and we should speak out against it. This is just talking about those who are, indeed, guilt y. What about the case of people who are convicted wrongfully? Our criminal justice system is not perfect. There are many flaws and often emotions involved in the case end up causing a bias. The police, if under pressure, have been known to look for scapegoats to protect their reputation. Consequently, someone innocent may not only be charged, but convicted of the crime as well. There have been many cases where evidence emerging later on proved that the conviction was wrongful. It is one thing to take someone’s freedom wrongfully, and quite another to take his or her life. The former is a travesty of justice too, however, a man wrongfully sent to prison can be set free. Can those mistakenly executed by the State have their lives back? Moreover, the lengthy appeal process that goes hand in hand with a sentence of death incurs a lot of expense on the exchequer. Millions of tax dollars, that you and I pay, are spent in the appealing and re-appealing process. A sentence of life i mprisonment can save the public exchequer money, as it does not involve such a lengthy appeal procedure. Though those who favor death penalty talk about a deterrent effect of the capital punishment, yet research shows that such a view is oversimplified. There is no way that only one factor effects the rate of crime in any community. There are various social and economic factors that go along with a society’s rate of murder, and the death penalty is not one of them. What is more, countries where the death penalty has been abolished have lower crime rates than those States of our country where it is still practiced. Ask any of those supporters if they are willing to condemn a person to death by serving on a death-penalty jury, and I am sure you will see reluctance as well as unwillingness. Ours is the only Western nation, and other than Japan, the only developed country to allow and implement such a barbaric punishment. The European Union law has completely abolished the death penalty, and it is a shame that though as a nation uphold ideals based on human ideals and human rights, allow a cruel and unusual way to punish our own. That we allow this barbarity to be done on a State level is a slight to our civilization. All of us should unite in speaking out against this torturous punishment. We should write to our Congressman or

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Gabriel Oak Essay Example for Free

Gabriel Oak Essay How do you account for Bathshebas choice of husband when she could have married either Gabriel Oak or William Boldwood? Bathsheba married Troy because he offered her an exciting lifestyle full of lust and venture. On the other hand, she rejected Oak and Boldwood because they offered her a secluded life of security in a traditional living. The book was written in episodes for a Victorian magazine. People of the times expected a happy ending, Hardy wanted to please his readers but incorporate the hardships of life at the same time. He structures the book so that Bathsheba is dragged through her misfortunes and undeserving men, whilst throughout the duration of the book the readers still feel that Bathsheba should ultimately be in wedlock with Gabriel. This is clever of Hardy because despite the tragedy of death there is love to sooth the mind. In the time in which the book was written, men and women were only allowed to be together if the Lady has a chaperone, this was the socially accepted thing. Therefore, if a man got a woman pregnant it would be unacceptable of him not to marry her. Hardy felt that women were treated badly in the eyes of society. He felt that when women were married, the behaviour and character of the man they were married to shaped their lifestyles. In the Victorian period, women who did not marry found it very hard in society. They depended on their own financial security and were looked down upon because they were not married. He felt that women were swept up in the excitement of new love and lust and when they were married without true love, they would regret the mistake for the rest of their lives. Scarlet fever was the nickname for the obsession that the local girls had for the officers in the regiment who settled in their town, their scarlet coats being the basis of this nickname. Hardys Aunt Martha was in fact one of the victims of Scarlet fever. She ran off with a cavalryman, John Breton Sharpe. This may have been his inspiration for the character of Troy: attractive and exciting on the outside but fickle and insecure on the inside. When Troy and Bathsheba first meet, in chapter 24, the corner of her dress gets caught in his spur and as they struggle to untangle themselves he is very bold and brazen to her. He makes flirtatious comments that appeal to her vanity, Thank you for the sight of such a beautiful face! Although Bathsheba is flattered by his compliments, she does not know how to handle his over confident behaviour and is eager to get away because she is alone with a single man in the dark; with a reputation to uphold. She suggests that he is only entangling her dress further so that he can keep her there, O, tis shameful of you; you have been making it worse on purpose to keep me here you have! After he finally looses the dress from his spurs, he is even as daring as to make a reference to marriage, I wish it had been the knot of knots, which theres no untying! This makes her even more desperate to get away and on her retreat he makes another remark that makes him ever more attractive to Bathshebas vane nature, Ah, Beauty; good-bye! When Bathsheba, returns home, she learns from Liddy that Troy is high-born and very intelligent; He was brought up so well, and sent to Casterbridge grammar school for years and years. , Hes a doctors son by name and an earls son by nature Nobility of blood will outshine even in the ranks and files. Already, Bathsheba is attracted to Troys Redcoat exterior and his bold flirtatious manner. At their next meeting, Troy succeeds in dazzling Bathsheba with his witty remarks about men and their love for women; Probably some one man on an average falls in love with each ordinary woman such a woman as you a hundred men will always covet and once again he showers her with compliments; I would rather have curses from you than kisses from any other woman. Troy finally achieves to bewitch Bathsheba in chapter twenty-eight. When Bathsheba and Troy meet in the ferns, Troy impresses her with his skill with a sword. He tells her that the sword he is using is blunt when really it is razor sharp; No edge! This sword will shave like a razor. Troy takes the liberty of slicing a caterpillar that had settled on Bathshebas chest and cutting a stray lock of her hair. At this point, Hardy may have been influenced by the poem written by Alexander Pope called The Rape of the Lock. In this poem, Pope writes about a man named Lord Fermor, who cuts a lock of hair from the Lady Arabella except for the loss of your hair, which I shall always name in reverence. This is a symbol of sexual achievement. Later on in the book, we found out that Troy is also in the possession of a lock of Fanny Robins hair, so this would lead us to suspect that Troy regards this as trophy collecting or personal reminders of all the women he has seduced. Troy is the first man to kiss Bathsheba and this has a definite impact on her. The minutes interval had brought the blood beating into her face And enlarged emotion to a compass which quite swamped thought He had kissed her. After this event, Troy travels to Bath and Bathsheba follows him for many reasons. One of these reasons is that when she is on the road one afternoon, she meets Farmer Boldwood. He is obsessively in love with her and shouts at her, threatening Troy and cursing his name; Ill punish him be he soldier or no if he were one hundred men Id hose whip him. Bathsheba is very frightened for Troy and thinks long and hard about what to do in her trivial situation. She decides to go to Bath. She will warn Troy not to come back and to see him one last time before she end their relationship; Her plan was now to drive to Bath during the night, see Sergeant Troy in the morning before he set out to come to her, bid him farewell and dismiss him. Although this seemed like the best thing to do to save anyone from getting hurt, Bathsheba talks with Gabriel about the reasons for her ultimate commitment to Troy; I went to Bath that night with the full intention of breaking off my engagement to Mr. Troy Well I was alone in a strange city, and the horse was lame I saw, at last, when it was too late that scandal might seize hold of me for meeting alone him in that way. I was coming away when he suddenly said he had that day seen a woman more beautiful than I, and that his constancy could not be counted on unless I at once became his And then between jealousy and distraction I married him. Here we see one of the main reasons that Bathsheba married Troy he made her desperately jealous by manipulating her emotions.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Ontological Argument for Gods existence Essay Example for Free

Ontological Argument for Gods existence Essay To asses the strengths of the Ontological Argument for Gods existence, we firstly need to understand what it entails. The Ontological Argument looks at proof A Priori, which is Analytical truth, reason based proof. This can be explained by saying 1+1=2. We know this to be true, as it is based on reasoning, and is a logical statement. This can be seen as a strength of the Ontological Argument, the fact that it is logical and rational. It deals with knowledge gained independently of experience, innate knowledge. It does not use any external evidence, it simply uses the definition of the word God. It therefore claims that if you understand what God is, then you understand that he must exist. St. Anselm, an Archbishop of Canterbury, first proposed the Ontological Argument in his book Proslogian, according to Anselm, both theists and atheists have a definition of God, if only for atheists to dismiss his existence. Therefore, Anselm claims, God exists in the mind. This could be considered a strength of the Ontological Argument for Gods existence. The fact that if you use the word God, then you, yourself must have an understanding of the meaning of the word. To use the word we show we have an idea of God which exists in our minds. However, existing in the mind is one thing, but to exist in reality is another. Lord, not only are You that then which nothing greater can be conceived but you are also something greater than can be conceived St. Anselm, Proslogion. As Anselm states above, God is that which nothing greater can be conceived, therefore not only must he exist in the mind, but in reality. This is because it is greater to exist in reality than simply in the mind. There is strength in this point, as what Anselm is saying is true. It is greater to exist in reality, that in the mind alone. For example if we had not eaten for a week, it would be good to imagine a 3 course meal, however, to actually receive that meal, and make it a reality, would be even better. As God is described as the greatest, then this helps to prove his existence. Rene Descartes supported Anselms argument, he had strengths in his proposition in which he said that if your minds exists, then it is logical to assume that clear ideas which come into your mind are true. His proposition began with I have an idea of God and finished with Therefore  God, as the clear and distinct idea of supreme perfection must exist. He maintained that his idea of God is one of a supremely perfect being, and one of the attributes of perfection is existence. This is similar to Anselms argument, and bears the same assets of being logical and plausible.

Organising a safe environment for young children

Organising a safe environment for young children Planning a safe environment is a challenging process for early year’s practitioners. Child safety and protection is a key element in their development in early year setting. Planning of early year play setting every day is challenging and difficult process. Play environment should be a minimal risk and no danger for children. Arranging safe and friendly environment have to consider all the time for children to achieve maximum learning from each activity setup in the setting. A child safe environment is including range of health and safety policies. Under OFSTED regulation early year setting need to know arrange challenging stimulate environment for all children. Practicing and applying health and safety regulations is an vital procedure for all the staff in the setting. Basic information about creating a child safe environment: Check the fire exits before children enter the setting Leave a space around table for children to move free Staff interact with child easily Having comfortable and safe corner in the setting for children can sit or lie down Messy activity table are arrange for near washbasins and on suitable flooring Radiators and light should be kept clear to avoid fore hazard Free standing furniture must completely close Enough space for around physical activities The setting layout should help child interest Equipment and toys need to accessible for children. A risk assessment procedure is help to identify risks in the setting. The deputy leader in the setting has to check and take the responsibility in regarding the risk assessment procedure in the setting. Checking hazard is important in the premises every day. Outdoor environment will help for children in the early years by: †¢ To get Fresh air, contact with nature and learn about weather seasons. †¢ Opportunities for learning about growing plants and gardening. †¢ Opportunities for wider range of physical activities in outdoor. The outdoor environment is an essential part of high quality provision for babies and toddlers in the early age. Effective outdoor activity supports of delivery all development in the Early Years. These all challenging environment effect children personal, social, emotional and physical development in safe setting. In the earl year setting, the staff ratio is very important when considering the child safety. Correct staff ratios can minimize accidents and injuries in the setting and outdoor activities. Precise staff ratios for the settings are: 1:3 children under 2 years 1:4 children aged 2 years 1:8 children aged 3-5 years Explain the role of the practitioner within a wider, multi-agency environment. The point of wider and multi-agency environment is: Multi-agency working provides benefits for children, young people and families because they receive tailor-made support in the most efficient way. It helps in early identification of any issues and intervention and easier or quicker access to services or expertise. Children and parents are addressed more appropriately and better quality services provided for longer-term or more specialist services. Also, this includes working parents, parents who speak English as an additional language, and parents who do not live in the family at home with their children. Practitioners in early year setting need to respect which families working with them and how to support their child early year learning journey and development. Working with multi-agency environment the practitioners needed to understand that the home learning environment for each children in the setting. It is a way of working with the small children and those supportive experiences for parent and the children. Early year children settings are diversity and combination of many different cultures. Practitioners in early year setting responsible for creating environments that are culturally rich and respectful of the diversity include all the children. From foundation stage children need to develop an understanding about the world. Multi-agency working can take place at many levels and its effectiveness will depend on how well it is integrated. Children’s centres and pre-schools provide multi-disciplinary teams on one site as well as working closely with external agencies. Every setting is unique and the nature of the multi-agency working will vary accordingly. The achievement of effective multi-agency working has proved more difficult to achieve than was anticipated. In order to create a climate of change where professionals and agencies can work effectively together it need to understand what the barriers to change are. Some of the barriers to achieving more effective multi-agency working that have been identified are: professionalism; conflicting priorities of different agencies; dealing with risk; the need to change the culture of organisations. Working in multi-agency environment and key workers are together to provide supporting childrens individual needs. The wider community plays are include vital role play. Practitioners need to work together across services for example working in partnership with health visitors, general practitioners, social workers, nursery nurses, speech and language therapist can get information and ideas about early year child development step by step in childcare setting. Children and their families need to communicate well and need to listen carefully to all concerned about child each and every day. Setting practitioners need to reach children ideas first, to reach children individual needs. The regulatory requirements that underpin the organisation of the environment. Enabling environment and regulatory requirements; Risk; Hazard; Risk Assessment; Risk assessment is important for any setting because it: †¢ makes sure the setting is safe for children, staff and parents †¢ is an Early Years Foundation Stage Welfare requirement †¢ is good practice. What is a risk assessment? A risk assessment is: †¢ identifying a hazard which might cause harm †¢ making sure that the risk attached to it is acceptable †¢ putting appropriate control measures in place if the risk is not acceptable. Making the risk assessments on a regular basis for equipment, activities, policies and procedures should take into account the numbers, ages and abilities of children and resources, planning, staff and space. They need to be evaluated and reviewed regularly. Following the risk assessment procedure, practitioners should check that is nothing damaged on equipment, toilets and all areas used by children are clean on a daily basis. Setting leader should arrange enough staff to meet the needs of the children and the activities planned and that there are no changes which could cause a danger this is particularly important in shared premises. This can be done by using a chart on the wall which can be initialled when an area is checked. The table below is an example method of risk assessment which can be used. When it use designated person or manager should date the each time they review it. The premises and outside play areas should be secure and children should not be able to leave them unsupervised. The designated person or manager should have an effective system for managing access to and exit from the premises, ensure that this system is used and keep a record of visitors. Floor and staircase finishes should be close fitting, resilient, non-slip and readily cleanable. Rugs or mats should not be used where they may present trip hazards. Holes and tears in the floor covering should be repaired promptly and effectively. All floors should be kept free from obstructions. All equipment and machinery used in a pre-school service should be safe for use and subject to regular service and maintenance by a competent person. All chemicals should be kept in their correct labelled containers and securely stored and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Outdoor play areas should be checked each time they are used. The outdoor play area should be secured and safely fenced off to ensure that children cannot leave this area without adult supervision and that unauthorised access is prevented. Evaluate how effective the environment is in meeting childrens individual needs How early years practitioners Can Create Effective Learning Environments; An early childhood environment is many things. It is a safe place where children are protected from the elements and are easily supervised. Also, important activities of the day like playing, eating, sleeping, washing hands, and going to the bathroom take place. Beyond the basics, however, an environment for young children implements and supports a programmes philosophy and curriculum. The modules of an early learning environment are many and can be overwhelming for the children. Early year practitioners need to know how to create an environment and that how to supports learning and meets children s individual needs? Environments for young children should provide multiple sources of stimulation to encourage the development of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills. Early childhood importance of play should be including, hands-on-learning and whole child development. A good early childhood environment supports these activities for child development, well-organize play area, large block area, sand and water activities, art and craft areas, reading corner and outdoor play area. These space need to arrange in a way that children can make noise while playing without disturbing for children in other activities. Environments should be carefully designed and equipped for children to meet their individual needs. Activities must be physical challenges, learning disabilities, or emotional issues in the setting. Other reflects the importance of early year children by including examples of their work in progress and displaying images of children. Every child in the setting has an image of themselves and their family. Important part of development is feeling in all children, so it is important to displays of pictures of all parents and families, and every race and ethnicity, including interracial, multi-ethnic, and adoptive families. The entire setting should also reflect diversity throughout the world. Throughout the setting artwork, photos, posters, and signs on the wall; books; dolls; parent boards, newsletters, announcements, and magazines; materials such as puzzles, people sets, activity books, music, art materials, and play area include all children individual needs. In order to meet children’s diverse needs, and help all children make the best possible progress, practitioners should: à ¢-   Plan opportunities that build on and extend children’s knowledge, experiences, interests and skills and develop their self-esteem and confidence in their ability to learn; à ¢-   Use a wide range of teaching strategies, based on children’s learning needs; à ¢-   provide a wide range of opportunities to motivate, support and develop children and help them to be involved, concentrate and learn effectively; à ¢-   provide a safe and supportive learning environment, free from harassment, in which the contribution of all children is valued and where racial, religious, disability and gender stereotypes are challenged; à ¢-   Plan challenging opportunities for children whose ability and understanding are in advance of their language and communication skills; à ¢-   monitor children’s progress, identifying any areas of concern, and taking action to provide support, for example by using different approaches, additional adult help. An early childhood environment is many things to do. Its a safe place where children are protected from the elements and are easily supervised, and its where the important activities of the day take place, such as playing, eating, sleeping, washing hands, and going to the bathroom. Beyond the basics, however, an environment for young children implements and supports programs of early childhood development. Environments for young children should provide multiple sources of stimulation to encourage the development of physical, cognitive, emotional, and social skills. When planning the environment, following steps is impotent to be considered: Places for developmentally appropriate physical activities. Opportunities for concrete, hands-on activities. Change and variety. Colour and decorations. Soft, responsive environments. Flexible materials and equipment. Obstacles to consider when planning the learning environment: Storage. Activity area access. Noise. Dividers. Reference: Devon Early Years and Childcare Service, Available from Accessed : 28th February 2015,

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Bears Beware :: essays research papers

In our world today many animals and plants are loosing their fight against human intervention in their once well-balanced ecosystem. We are all aware of the extinction of the dinosaurs and the dodo birds, however most people do not realize that annually thousands of species of our flora and fauna are now becoming extinct. This on going trend is increasingly threatening our bio diversity and global ecology. To give a specific example of animal depletion I will focus on Canadian bears. The following factors are responsible for their decline. Hunting, loss of habitat, and just plain apathy on part of the public to preserve the bio diversity of our land. During 1994/95, a total of 19,430 bear hunting licenses were issued to both residential and non-residential people. There were 3,790 so-called legal bear kills in BC alone. It is estimated that out of every one legally killed bear be it grizzly or black two are killed illegally by poachers primarily just for their paws, head, gall bladder, and reproductive organs. These body parts are considered by Orientals to increase strength and rejuvenate male potency. Given these facts 11,190 bears were killed last year. Biologist estimate that to keep the bear population at a balanced figure only 4% should be allowed to be harvested annually. The current annual harvest rate it is more like 8-12%. In my opinion this is really outrageous. We are watching it in front of our eyes and little is being done to prevent it. We have already witnessed the rhinos, African elephants and the Siberian tiger go through the same process and now they are on the brink of extinction. Legal hunting and poaching are similar in the sense that they both result in the slaughter of animals be it bears or any creature. Having depleted the animals in their own countries, the rich flock here in the hundreds to go on big game hunting expeditions and kill; anywhere from one to who knows how many bears. I really don't understand what is going on with our government to allow this to happen. Soon grizzlies will be deemed endangered and when this happens the price for their head will skyrocket and encourage further poaching. The typical responses heard from hunters are: "We are the top of the food chain"; "That's why they are here, to satisfy man", "it don't hurt their numbers", "Its just a bear". Their ignorant attitude is very short sighted and self-indulgent. In my opinion if we want these magnificent creatures to be here for us, our children and their children we should not allow foreign game hunters to come

Monday, August 19, 2019

Justice On Trial in Kafkas The Trial Essay -- Kafka Trial Essays

Justice On Trial in Kafka's The Trial There is no such thing as justice - in or out of court.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Clarence Darrow i Most often critically interpreted as a search for Divine justice, Kafka's The Trial, a fragmented and unfinished novel, appears to leave us with the same impression as the words above of Clarence Darrow.   In other words, there is no justice.   This assessment of Divine justice by Kafka works on two levels.   On one level, he is illustrating the helpless nature of the individual when in conflict against an established bureaucracy.   On another level, he is illustrating the existential dilemma of man in the face of a godless, indifferent, and often hostile universe.   A search for justice by Josef K. finds no justice in either realm.   Josef K. awakes one morning to find himself accused by a mysterious legal authority "Someone must have been spreading lies about Josef K., for without having done anything wrong he was arrested one fine morning."ii   His crime is unnamed, one of which he knows nothing.   The novel follows his many attempts to obtain justice from authorities with which he cannot communicate well.   Josef K.'s attempt to find justice end in his utter frustration, his complete loss of human dignity, and his cruel death by stabbing. The Trial is also meant to symbolize original sin and guilt.   On the level of the individual versus the bureaucracy, Josef K. is consumed by guilt and condemned for a crime he does not understand by a court with which he cannot communicate.   We see this same dilemma on the level of the individual versus an existential existence, i.e., man in the modern world trying to find meaning and justice, consumed by guilt and condemned for original sin by a god with which he ca... ... Solzhenitsyn, A. I. The Gulag Archipelago, (I-II).   Translated by Thomas P. Whitney.   New York:   Harper & Row Publishers, 1973. Notes: i Fitzhenry, R. I. (ed.).   Barnes & Noble Book of Quotations, New York, Barnes & Noble Books, 1986, 197. ii Kafka, F.   The Trial.   Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir.   Introduction by George Steiner.   New York, Schocken Books, 1992, 1. iii Id. 180. iv Id. 46. v   Id. 46. vi   Id. 97. vii   Id. 150. viii   Id. 121. ix Beit v. Probate and Family Court Department, 434 N.E.2d 642 (1982), at 643, citing The Trial at 290. x Kafka, 42. xi Id. 222. xii   Id. 43. xiii   Id. 108. xiv   Id. 228. xv Id. 229. xvi Solzhenitsyn, A. I. The Gulag Archipelago, (I-II).   Translated by Thomas P. Whitney.   New York:   Harper & Row Publishers, 1973, 436. xvii Id. 437. xviii   Id. 295.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Benjamin Franklin :: Biography Biographies

benjamin franklin Ben Franklin was one of the most amazing men history has recorded. Throughout his lifetime he continued to increase his already genius-level intelligence. He had a high quality of life, was a popular political figure, and he strongly believed in his thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. While he wasn’t perfect, that was what he struggled to attain. Ben’s achievements are very numerous. Apart from being a genius after only 2 years of schooling, his other achievements show that he was an overachiever. Some of Ben’s achievements are literature-based. For example, he printed the first novel published in America. He also started the first circulating library in America. Also, year after year, he wrote and published Poor Richard’s Almanac. Those weren’t his only achievements though. He organized the first hospital, started mail delivery, organized the first "fire company", that is, firefighters; and was a city representative, too! All this is just more proof of him being an overachiever. Because of Franklin’s many inventions and experiments, our lives today are better. Ben made the first copperplate printing press in America, a chair with a built in table for writing, and a chair that turned into a step ladder for his library. He also invented the odometer, a heating unit called the "Pennsylvania Stove", the lightning rod, bifocals, an electricity generator, and the armonica. By experimenting, he proved that dark materials absorb more than light materials, proved lightning was electricity, and did many more experiments with static and regular electricity. He also introduced artificial fertilizer and discovered lead poisoning. We all should be grateful for how he has improved our lifestyle today. Ben’s childhood started out like anyone else’s, but when he became around age 10, he started to become different. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts in 1706. The 15th of 17 children, school was not cheap, so he only got to go for 2 years. He started out making soap and candles, but after expressing that he didn’t like that, he would like to write, he became apprenticed to his brother, James, who was a printer. James wouldn’t publish Ben’s work, so he submitted it under the name Mrs. Silence Dogood. When James found out, Ben ran away to Philadelphia, Where he would marry and live the majority of the rest of his life.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Google: Entry to China Essay

Google is widely known as a technology company that created a search engine site proven to be a helpful tool for most people because it helps you find the most relevant answer from the all the websites. This led to their success in the US market and worldwide. However, Google faced numerous criticisms on their business strategy to enter China, a market widely known for its government’s restrictions on content on the Internet, often referred to as the â€Å"Great Firewall of China† (As cited in Hoegberg, 2013, para. 2). With potential of long-term financial gain of doing business in China, should Google continue to do business with a market that is in conflict with its business motto? Google Background When founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin collaborated on creating a search engine site in 1996, their mission is to organize a seemingly infinite amount of information on the web (â€Å"Our History in Depth†,n.d., para. 4 & 5). The company later on received recognition from PC Magazine as the search engine of choice (â€Å"Our History in Depth†,n.d., para. 9). Then in 2004, Google, Inc. offered an IPO at $85 and closed at $194 at year-end 2004 reaping the IPO investors a healthy gain (Travlos, 2012, para. 1). Post-IPO Google, Inc. means finding more sources for revenue for the company. Google ventured outside of the web search engine market by creating applications for mobile, media brosing, home & office, social media and the list goes on and on (â€Å"Products†, n.d.) and revenues are generated from online advertising or their own product: Ad words (â€Å"Adwords†, n.d., para. 1). With tremendous growth of the company, Google founders have embraced the i nformal corporate motto â€Å"Don’t be evil† and also developed an ethical code of conduct for both internal and external audiences (as cited in Martin, 2006, p. 5). China Background Martin reports that in 2006 China has a population of 1.6 billion people and is an attractive market for many U.S. companies (Martin, 2006, p. 6). Also, with China’s transformation to a market economy (Zimmerman, A., & Fey, R, 2001, p. 15-28), George Magliano, an economist at IHS Automotive, states that â€Å"This is the wave of the future† and that â€Å"The Chinese market is going to grow faster than the U.S., and it will continue to be this way† (Hirsch, 2011, p. 1). The rapid growth of Internet use in China is being accompanied by more sophisticated official efforts at censorship as stated in the report issued by the China Internet Network Information Centre (CNNIC), an organization under the official Chinese Academy of Science, (â€Å"China politics: Internet censorship grows more sophisticated†, 2003, para. 1). Google in China In 2000, part of Google, Inc. global strategy was to enter the Chinese market creating a Chinese-language version of the website, and because of the regulations in China, the server is housed in the US (Martin, 2006, p. 12). However because of complex Internet infrastructure of Chinese government, the site became inaccessible and slower performance than other sites (Martin, 2006, p. 13). This became an issue to the users and therefore losing market share (Martin, 2006, p. 13). Google reached a deal with the Chinese government to create, a site that is in compliance with Chinese regulations on censorship (Martin, 2006, p. 13). Strengths is a trusted name worldwide as a search engine site and that there was no need to advertise since Google users typically share the information with anyone, hence most individuals common answer to a question is to â€Å"Just Google it† (Clark, Greniuk, Riherd, Rome and Yu, 2010, para. 2). With its global reach and growing traffic, online advertisers would allot budget for spend with as part of online marketing strategy to reach online consumers, potentially reaching 1 billion Global unique visitors (â€Å"Google Reaches 1 Billion Global Visitors†, 2011, para.1). Weaknesses Google entered China with their mission, stated on their website â€Å"organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful† (â€Å"About†, n.d., para.1) which is in contradiction to Chinese government’s ideology on Internet censorship is â€Å"If you open the window for fresh air, you have to expect some flies to blow in† (â€Å"Internet censorship in the People’s Republic of China†, n.d., para. 3). Google executives clearly did not follow this ideology when the company first entered China. As a result, Chinese government has added a strain on the company’s efforts to gain market share. Threats The â€Å"Great Firewall of China† limits the searching capabilities of terms on the internet in China, even keywords such as Freedom are off limits to users (â€Å"Internet Censorship in China†, 2012, para. 3) this hinders Google to operate and provide their services to Chinese consumers. Then this led to loosing market share to (â€Å"Baidu vs. Google†, 2010, para. 5). Alternative Strategies Google possess the technology and resources to create products (â€Å"Our products and services, n.d., para.1) that would meet Chinese government regulations as Larry Page, co-founder and CEO, would describe, the â€Å"perfect search engine† as something that â€Å"understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want† (â€Å"Products†, n.d., para.1). This should have been the initial business strategy to avoid criticisms and struggle to meet demands of Chinese government and the internet users in China. Oppose to negotiating with Chinese government, because this can be damaging to company’s image to China and the Chinese citizens. Google decision to create is a clear contradiction to the company motto however when the Utilitarianism philosophical approach is applied as part of the strategy â€Å"promote the happiness of others, even at the expense of our own projects, our integrity, or the welfare of our friends and family† (Hills, 2010, p. 225), the results may offset the implications to company’s reputation and plans to gain market share in a country where business practices are very different from theirs. Since corporate ethics will be questioned, perhaps a partnership with small technology companies in China and other local program opportunities that would steer the message of the company’s decision to bow to Chinese government regulations. In addition, hiring Chinese executives and employees would be an ideal start as the company enters a market like China. These individuals have lived, and survived the political and economic intricacies of Chinese market. They are the ones that have the working knowledge, and learning from other companies that passing the helm to strong local replacements is essential for sustained profitable growth (Hsieh, Lavoie, and Samek, 1999, para. 1). Recommendations China is known as the Kingdom of Bamboo because it has the most bamboo of any country in the world (â€Å"Bamboo and Chinese Culture†, n.d. para. 1). In addition, Bamboo’s resistance to stretching and its ability to support weight are at least double those of other kinds of wood, making bamboo an ideal material for houses, scaffolding, supporting pillars, and work sheds (â€Å"Bamboo and Chinese Culture†, n.d. para. 8). That being said, doing business in China would be similar to working with bamboo, it is resilient to change and therefore adapting to the market is the recommended strategy. Even if it means changing the Company’s product and ideologies so that the company may prosper in the long term partnership with the local government and gain market share. business model would be the initial offering because it adheres to government regulations and there won’t be any struggle in reaching the local market. And even with the criticisms that will arise from this decision, the financial gain and respect from the local market is what every company would want to achieve in this market, therefore it would be not just Google that will benefit from this, but also the citizens of China. Who knows in the future, when censorship is no longer in existence, Google can finally launch their products that are in compliance with company’s motto and provide the oppressed Chinese market of this freedom to view information without censor. In the end, the majority may benefit from this.